Our Turnkey RPM Offering
Patient Identification
We assist with identifying all of your Qualifying RPM Patients.
Patient Outreach
We train your staff/ provider(s) on how gain consent of your qualifying RPM patients in the most effective manner as well as CareVitality helps gain verbal consent.
We Provide Assistance With Setup
We work with your System Administrator to gain appropriate user access to their EHR/PM and Patient Portal Systems and assist with security, RPM template and schedule setup and link the appointment type to the template and test it. If preferred by client we can use our RPM product but most prefer having our work completed in their EHR.
We Assume All Hiring
CareVitality hires all W2 employees (including all the appropriate pre-employment checks).
Customization Of Your EHR
We have experience working on over 150 EHRs, we determine if your system needs to have customized templates created and then develop them to meet the RPM program requirements.
Comprehensive Care Plan
We develop the Comprehensive Care Plans based on the conditions of the patient and have the provider sign off on it.
Patient Engagement
We provide and manage your patient under your treatment plan by analyzing and interpreting digitally collected physiologic data by our nursing team to fulfil the time requirement and the full scope of services prior to billing RPM each month.
Treatment Plan Revision if Needed
As the condition of the patient changes, you can revise the treatment plan or we can revise the treatment plan to be signed off on by the RPM billable provider.
Ongoing Communication
Our nursing team provides interactive communication with the patient/ caregiver during the month
We Document Our Work in Your EHR
All communications are in your EHR and housed within the patient’s electronic patient record for your continued access and review.
We Provide Auditable Reports
At the end of each month, we provide your staff with an auditable report of the work completed by our Clinical Care Managers so you can easily bill the 99457 and 99458 code for your RPM patients.
CareVitality's Compliance Team
CareVitality’s Compliance Team reviews the RPM monthly report prior to being sent for payment to ensure not only the time element but the full scope of service is met.
RPM Audit Assistance
We are experienced with Medicare audits and will assist you with any random RPM audits.
Payment Is Simple.
CareVitality is Paid on Performance and Completely at Risk. We are paid a flat fee at the end of the following month services are rendered which at this time you should be paid by Medicare and the rest is yours to keep as profit.
Learn How CareVitality Can Make a Difference for Your Organization
RPM Offering Brochure
Learn How CareVitality’s Turnkey Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM) Offering contributes to better health and care for individuals, reduced spending, improved reimbursement and improved cost and quality scores under the Quality Payment Program.
Please fill in the short form below to view our Offering Brochure
Get In Touch
Contact Us Today to Learn How We Can Successfully Assist You in Participating in the Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM)